I use the pen name Andy Spearman when writing for kids.


But Where’s Brenda?

The worst thing about being a goldfish is that you don’t remember anything. The best thing about being a goldfish is that you don’t remember anything.

The Caterpillar Issue 39, Ireland

Gone Alligator

This poem wonders out loud what a person might do if a large reptile of their acquaintance goes missing.

The Toy Press, London

Jasper and Creaky Bird

A young girl comes to terms with a death in her family with the help of a magical trunk, a noisy starling and delicious blackberries. Starts on page 14.

Parakeet Magazine, New York


Scary things happen to children who don’t eat all their vegetables, as revealed in this 206-word story called “Sprouts” – one word for each bone in the human body.

Bag Of Bones Press, Bristol

Happy Monster Time

Ever wonder what happens when a hairy galoot inherits 5:15 a.m. from a nice little old lady?

The Caterpillar Issue 35, Ireland

Harold Forgets the Crackers on a Trip to the Sea of Tranquility

Going to the Moon? Pack carefully. This tidy drabble (exactly 100 words) appears in the beautifully produced Spring 2022 issue of the Dribble Drabble Review.

The Dribble Drabble Review, Illinois

Anna’s Backward Day

Poor girl doesn’t know if she’s coming or going.

This 500-word story won first prize in the first Cherished Children’s Story Anthology published by Glittery Literary. Available at Amazon.

Glittery Literary, Bristol

Snow Flies

A quick little wintertime poem.

Dirigible Balloon, UK

Barry, Boyhound

This middle-grade chapter book has won a couple of awards and continues to be included on reading lists of humor books in schools and libraries throughout North America.

Knopf, New York